Open source/Free software
1. Linux
Linux is the name of popular computer operating system. It is not only freely available, but also its underlying source code is available to all and anyone can freely openly use it, modify it and redistribute it.
First two versions of Linus was released on internet in September and October '91 and since then thousands of enthusiastic programmers /students/ developers across the world have participated and contributed in its further refinement and development.
Linux can be downloaded from
2. Mozilla
Mozilla is another software which is free and also very popular. It is free, cross platform, Internet software suite that includes:
1. a web browser 2. an email client
3. an html editor 4. IRC client
Mozilla's web browser is called firefox and its email client has a name Thunderbird. Mozilla also offers a web browser for Mac OSX, which is known as carnino.
Mozilla's cross platform, stand alone web browser, Firefox is very popular and is one of the most downloaded software on net.
It can be downloaded from
3. OpenOffice
OpenOffice or ".org" inclusion is due to a trademark dispute) is an office application suite. It is intended to be compatible, and directly compete with Microsoft Office. OOo is a free software and is available for Microsoft Windows, Unix like systems and Mac OS X.
OOo versions 1.1 includes:
1. Writer (word processor)
2. Calc (spreadsheet)
3. Draw (graphics program)
4. Impress (presentation program)
5. Database User Tools
6. Visual HTML editor
7. Macro recorder
8. StarOffice Basics
9. Math (mathematical formula editor)
10. Export and Import Micorsoft Word and DocBook XML, export PDF and Macromedia Flash.
OOo can, with some effort, be configured to integrate with databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, which are replacements for microsft Access.
The openoffice can be downloaded from
Python is an interpreted, interactive programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1990, originally as a scripting language for amoeba os capable of making system calls. Python is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Schema, Java and Ruby. Python is developed as an open source project, managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.
The most popular platforms Python runs on are Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Java. A mac GUI on python is maintained by an external project called MacPython. Other supported platforms include:
Mac Classic, SPARC Solaris, OS/2, Amiga, AROS, AS/400, BeOS, BSD, OS/390,QNX, Psion, Play Station 2, and Palm OS.
Python can be downloaded from
Some more to go in next posts.
1. Linux
Linux is the name of popular computer operating system. It is not only freely available, but also its underlying source code is available to all and anyone can freely openly use it, modify it and redistribute it.
First two versions of Linus was released on internet in September and October '91 and since then thousands of enthusiastic programmers /students/ developers across the world have participated and contributed in its further refinement and development.
Linux can be downloaded from
2. Mozilla

1. a web browser 2. an email client
3. an html editor 4. IRC client
Mozilla's web browser is called firefox and its email client has a name Thunderbird. Mozilla also offers a web browser for Mac OSX, which is known as carnino.
Mozilla's cross platform, stand alone web browser, Firefox is very popular and is one of the most downloaded software on net.
It can be downloaded from
3. OpenOffice

OOo versions 1.1 includes:
1. Writer (word processor)
2. Calc (spreadsheet)
3. Draw (graphics program)
4. Impress (presentation program)
5. Database User Tools
6. Visual HTML editor
7. Macro recorder
8. StarOffice Basics
9. Math (mathematical formula editor)
10. Export and Import Micorsoft Word and DocBook XML, export PDF and Macromedia Flash.
OOo can, with some effort, be configured to integrate with databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, which are replacements for microsft Access.
The openoffice can be downloaded from
Python is an interpreted, interactive programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1990, originally as a scripting language for amoeba os capable of making system calls. Python is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Schema, Java and Ruby. Python is developed as an open source project, managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.
The most popular platforms Python runs on are Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Java. A mac GUI on python is maintained by an external project called MacPython. Other supported platforms include:
Mac Classic, SPARC Solaris, OS/2, Amiga, AROS, AS/400, BeOS, BSD, OS/390,QNX, Psion, Play Station 2, and Palm OS.
Python can be downloaded from
Some more to go in next posts.
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